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Ash Green Scout Group

Beaver Sleepover - and Fun Day

16th - 17th November 2013

We have 11 Beavers doing the sleepover but many parents have asked if their child could come for the day.Therefore, we are allowing Beavers who are not sleeping over to join us on the Saturday (16th)

The event will now start at 10:30am in Tovil. We'll have all sorts of fun and games in the morning.

In the afternoon we'll do a short hike to the nearby adventure playground and then it's back for dinner. They will earn their first Hike Badge.

If you only want your Beaver to stay for the day, you can collect him/her at 18:30 or stay to 19:30 to watch the fireworks display.

The cost of the day event is £10.00

Parents who have already booked their Beaver on to the sleepover need do nothing. Those parents who want their child to take part in the day event should email alan.gordon@ashgreenscouts,org.uk to book a place.

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