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Ash Green Scout Group

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to be a member of Ash Green Scout Group, how do I pay and what do I get for my money?

Subscriptions cost is £15 per calendar month, payable monthly by Standing Order throughout the year. If new, your child will not pay subscriptions for the calendar month in which he or she first attends. This enables you to see whether or not your child likes it and your payment starts the following month. If you have trouble paying so much at one go, please talk to your child's section leader in confidence and we will arrive at at mutually agreed solution.

Fees cover hall hire, storage hire for equipment (we have some 20 tents!), insurance (for Leaders, young people and equipment on all activities), the cost of Scout Headquarters and the support we get from Kent County and Swanley District. It also covers equipment, consumables and refreshments.

All leaders and administrators are voluntary and do not receive any payment. Leaders with children in the Group pay the same subscriptions at the same rate as everyone else.

What are your main policies?

Download our information booklet for details on all Group policies

How does your waiting list work?

When a section is full, young people go on the Waiting List. They are offered a place strictly based on when they joined the list - first come, first served, but subject, of course, to their age. The only exception is for Leaders' children who will always get preference over young people on the Waiting List.

Our Group is very popular and there is always a high demand for places for young people - especially of Beaver age. Parents are strongly advised to add your young children to the Waiting List from a very early age to avoid disappointment. You can add your child's name to that list anytime.

What about uniform?

Scouting is a uniformed organisation. All members are required to wear uniform for Beaver, Cub and Scout meetings, when arriving and departing from events and for parades. All members should take pride in their uniform and do their best to look after the uniform and to look smart. We are not expected to wear a uniform until they have been 'invested' (officially joined). The uniform is available from many local stores. Uniform consists of :

  • Beaver Sweat Shirt, Cub Jumper or Scout Shirt (& optional Group T-Shirt)
  • Group Scarf
  • Woggle
  • Navy Scout Trousers
  • Black Shoes
  • Pen/Pencil, Paper, 2 Handkerchiefs & Folder

For information on how to purchase uniform, click here

Where do badges go?

Beaver Badges

Cub Badges

Scout Badges

I offered to help and was given a DBS form, why?

As you might expect, any person with access to young people has to go through a strict vetting procedure, this is currently the DBS process. It checks whether a person has any criminal convictions and whether or not they are deemed safe to work with young people. All Leaders and helpers have DBS clearance. For family camps all attending adults must also have a current Scout DBS clearance.

What is the policy on photographing children?

When out on events, Group, District or County, your child's image may be taken and used in publications or on websites. By taking your child to the event, you are giving permission for their image to be used in this way. If you have an objection, please inform your leader before the start of the event. We shall, of course, respect your wishes, but cannot be held responsible for members of the public taking photographs.

What is your behaviour and discipline code

All members of Ash Green Scout Group are expected to behave well and appropriately. Generally speaking, minor incidents will be dealt with at the leaders discretion (e.g. a simple 'talking to', sitting out the game etc). More serious examples, in particular bullying and fighting, will result in the young person's parents being contacted and, depending upon the circumstances, suspension for a number of weeks. Our behavioural and discipline policies can be viewed in more detail in our Information Booklet.

Do you do much camping - and is it compulsory?

We do quite a lot of camping - or nights away - for all Sections.

Going to camp is totally voluntary, although you will find your child will probably want to go. All Leaders taking young people are fully trained and risk assessments are carried out. Camps are charged extra but we try to plan fund raising events to help cut costs.

Teddies and other friends are welcome free of charge!

How safe are your activities?

An important part of the appeal of Scouting is the provision of adventurous activities. The Scout Association has strict rules regulating these activities and, when appropriate, trained instructors are used for these activities.

Our Leaders undergo rigorous training in camping, first aid, safeguarding and the physical safety of young people. All outdoor activities are fully risk assessed and we will NEVER take your child on an outdoor activity without your WRITTEN permission in advance.

If our Leaders are not qualified to run specific activities (e.g. rock climbing or canoeing) we will always call outside experts. 

Finally ALL adults involved in Scouting are the subject of enhanced DBS checks as well as our own checks with seperate references taken out into their suitability to be leaders. They also go through an interview procedure.

What about special needs?

We do have members with special needs. They are very welcome indeed. If your child requires any additional help with any activity, or has any particular needs please speak to one of the leaders.

Scouts go on Summer Camp 2024

Scouts go on Summer Camp 2024

A small group of Scouts and Explorers travelled to Ferney Croft in Dorset, enjoying a week of fun. Activities included water fun, mud run and a visit...

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