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Ash Green Scout Group

Our welcome pack

Here is the welcome pack we send to all new joiners:

A letter of welcome from Group Scout Leader Peter Lewis. Please read this first

Policies   - how the Group is managed

Information sheet   - who meets where and when 

Application form - please complete and return to your section Leader. You can type directly on to this form before you print and sign

Standing Order Form - this is to enable us to collect your monthly subscriptions. Please download, complete and send straight to your bank. 

Gift Aid form - we can collect the tax you paid on monthly subscriptions, giving us an additional £45 per child per year. We use this money to pay towards your child's annual subscription to Scout Headquarters which includes full insurance while on Scouting activities. By filling in this form you are helping to keep the overall costs of all subscriptions down,

Permission to photograph - parents will quickly see how popular our Facebook Group is. While this is a closed group where permission is needed to join, we still want to ask your permission to take photographs for this an other uses such as the website and publicity. 

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity 2024

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity

Jungle pack Cubs had a fun time at Gravity Bluewater. A group of 20 Cubs and siblings enjoyed their Christmas treat on the last meeting of...

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