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Ash Green Scout Group

Current vacancies

What does a uniformed team member do? Check out the video above to find out, or go to our FAQs section to find out more about becoming a Leader.

Beaver Scout adult team members - Monday and Tuesday Colonys We are always looking for more adults in this section to help clear our waiting list. Beavers are aged from 6-8.

Cub Scout adult team members - Monday night Pack. We need two - and ideally four - Cub Scout team members  for Monday Packs. Cubs are aged 8-10.5 and we currently have 39 of them, making us by far the largest youth group for young people that age in New Ash Green.

Scout adult team members - Tuesday Troops . We are always in need of an extra pair of hands to help out the Scout sections. Scouts are aged from 10.5-14.

Interested? Then click here for more information. You are under no obligation by making this enquiry

Can't afford to commit on a regular basis? Don’t worry, you can help out when ever you can.

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity 2024

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity

Jungle pack Cubs had a fun time at Gravity Bluewater. A group of 20 Cubs and siblings enjoyed their Christmas treat on the last meeting of...

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