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Ash Green Scout Group

It's party time


Well-known Jazz and Swing singer, Shane Hampsheir and The Local Vocals, a 100+ strong Hartley-based singing choir were among two of the acts at special celebration event in honour of the Queen's 90th Birthday organised by a New Ash Green Scout Group.

Ash Green Scouts held the party for 80 plus members of the Hartley Memory Cafe and local elderly residents in Hartley and surrounding villages in Kent on Sunday 12th June.

The Hartley Memory Café is a support network for people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia and the Scout Group worked for several months to raise the £1,000 to fund the party. They put on this completely free event as part of their work in the UK Scouts ‘A Million Hands’ project - a project where young people are challenged to involve themselves in supporting our local community.

The event had great support from the local community. New Ash Green Village Association gave free use of the Village Hall, Longfield Village Butchers, the New Ash Green Co-op and The Granary in New Ash Green all provided food and there were donations from Ash Tyres, Longfield Hardware, The Village Barber and Lyn’s Breakfast Bar in New Ash Green, and Hartley Estates. Generous donations from the Wheatsheaf Freemasons Lodge and the Jubilee Freemasons Lodge, as well as a considerable number of personal donations from friends and supporters made the event possible.

Local taxi company, Safhire Cars generously provided free transport for many of the guests while The Vintage Barn in New Ash Green have provided balloons and Wonderland Venues assisted with the chair and table decorations.

Says Peter Lewis, the Leader-in-charge of the 170 strong Scout Group: “Ash Green Scout Group are delighted to be putting on this party today to celebrate our Queen’s 90th Official Birthday. This is a fantastic opportunity for our young people to show that they really do care about our growing elderly community.

“We’ve had fantastic local business, charity and community support – both financially and in providing services – and without that support the Scout Group alone could not have put the show on."

Adds Veronica McGannon who along with other volunteers, helps to run The Memory Café, managed by Alzheimer's and Dementia Support Services: "I am so humbled by the all the support and organisation from Ash Green Scouts and the donations and help from local businesses. This will be a great event to bring our Memory Cafe attendees some joy and excitement and hopefully something to remember. It was a perfect way to mark the Queen's 90th birthday."

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