Group AGM
1st July 2014
ALL parents are expected to attend as it is a key event in the Group's calendar.
The business end is kept brief and then we go on to the important part which is badge presentation. Every Beaver, Cub and Scout will be receiving the badges they have worked very hard on this term and we hope you will be there to share your child's success and she him/her receive the badges he or she has done so well to achieve.
We also have an historical presentation. For the first time ever we have Beavers, Cubs and Scouts who will be presented with their section's top Award - the Chief Scouts Bronze for Beavers, Silver for Cubs and Gold for Scouts. This will be the first time we have ever presented the Chief Scouts Gold.
We are hoping that parents will agree to serve on the Group Executive. This meets once a term to plan and manage Group affairs. In addition to members we need three officers - Chair, Secretary and Fund Raising Co-ordinator. If you could spare - on average - one hour a month to make this committee work effectively you would be going a long way to improving the quality of Scouting your child enjoys still further. Please speak to Emma Jones if you can help in any way in this non-uniformed role.
The evening ends with a barbecue and some refreshments to celebrate what has been an incredibly successful year for Ash Green Scouts.
We have gone from being the smallest Group in our District to the largest in just three years - come and help us celebrate our success