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Ash Green Scout Group

Crayford Dogs - fund raising event

11th October 2013

Crayford Dogs - fund raising event

Ash Green Scouts have been going to the dogs for years - so we might as well go there properly and raise some much needed funds at the same time.

Carly Woodbridge - mum of Scout Frankie - has organised a great fund raising event

She has obtained 50 entrance tickets for Friday 11th October at Crayford Dogs. We sell these to over 18's at £5 each and keep the proceeds. Children are welcome to come along but you need to pay on the gate for them.  . 

We can have up to 100 tickets to sell so potentially we can could raise up to £500.

Hopefully this could raise quite a bit for minimal effort and also give everyone a night out!

No proceeds of gambling go towards Group funds - only the entrance fee.

If you'd like a ticket or two then email Carly on tcfg2009@hotmail.co.uk

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