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Ash Green Scout Group

R.I.P Keeo

R.I.P Keeo

It's with deep shock and sadness that I must inform you all of the death of one of our leaders, Tony Baker on Saturday 27th November. Assistant Beaver Leader Tony, known as Keeo to the Beavers, was a kind-hearted and thoughtful leader who worked very well with our young people. He was very well thought of by leaders across the Group and the wider Swanley District.

The full circumstances of his death are being investigated, but all the indications are that it was as a result of an unfortunate accident in his home. Tony had been recovering well from Covid at his home, and he had last been in touch with me on 18th November. He had been in regular contact with his work colleagues up to Wednesday 24th and was looking forward to returning to work and Scouting.Would parents of Beavers please gently break the news to your children.

The Group will be looking at how we can collectively say ‘Good Bye’ to Tony in a meaningful, Scouting way and we will keep you informed.

Peter Lewis - Group Scout Leader

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity 2024

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity

Jungle pack Cubs had a fun time at Gravity Bluewater. A group of 20 Cubs and siblings enjoyed their Christmas treat on the last meeting of...

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