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Ash Green Scout Group

Molly shows she's also a Master Chef

Molly shows she's also a Master Chef

While New Ash Green chef Katherine Feddon was wowing the food critics on Masterchef The Professionals, her nine year old niece Molly was busy with her own culinary challenge - the Cub Scout Chef’s Badge. 

As well as having to learn about nutrition, kitchen safety and different methods of cooking, Molly had to follow in Auntie Katherine’s steps and cook a two course meal.

And just as Katherine’s dish of lamb followed by pear tartin was praised by leading food critics Jay Rayner, Charles Campion and Tracey MacLeod so Molly’s creation of Toad in the Hole followed by apple turnover impressed her judges so much that she passed the badge with flying colours.

Said Alan Gordon, Molly’s Cub Scout Leader: “We all saw Katherine on Masterchef week one when she made it through to the next round so it was really funny to see Molly turn up on the next Cub night with photographs of her dishes. She is a terrific little cook and I can see her cooking for us at the next Cub camp. Now all we have to do is to persuade Auntie Katherine to come along and help.

“I’m sure the Cubs would much prefer her beet filet to my spaghetti bolognaise.”

Molly is a member of Ash Green Scouts Forest Pack which meets on a Monday night at New Ash Green Youth Centre.

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