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Ash Green Scout Group

Jamboree on the Trail

Jamboree on the Trail

More than 500,000 Scouts from all over the world are taking part in Jamboree on the Trail on Saturday 14th May 2016.

Click here  for detailed information on the event

Click here to see who has said they're attending

Ash Green Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers are using this event to raise funds for our young people. We hope as many of you as possible can take part. 

The plan is that the Explorers start out in West Malling, they want to Addington Village where they are joined by Scouts. Together they walk to Vigo Village where they are met by Cubs. We all then walk to Ridley Church where we're joined by the Beavers where we all walk to the Youth Centre for burgers/hot dogs and drinks.

Here are the details:

SectionStarting pointEstimated start timeTotal distance walk in  km
Explorer ScoutsWest Malling Village Hall09:3015.66
ScoutsAddington Village Cricket Club11:0012.08
Cub ScoutsVigo Village13:308.27
Beaver ScoutsRidley Church15:453.19

All parents and friends are welcome to join us for the walk - the more the merrier.

Each Section gets to keep the money it's members raise. Last year the money was used by Beavers to subsidise sleepovers and to buy camp blankets, by Cubs to subsidise sleepovers, the Scouts used theirs to buy t-shirts. This year the Explorers plan to use theirs to buy polo shirts plus some kit for expedition work.

So its great fun, you get a Hikes Away Badge plus the JOTT badge shown above which you can wear on your uniform - and also raise cash to have even more fun.

Please download the sponsorship form here

Please click here to let us know your Beaver/Cub/Scout/Explorer is attending so we can order his/her JOTT badge.

Explorers have been learning navigation for their Duke of Edinburgh Award Expedition so they'll be doing the navigating - but under the watchful eye of organiser and route planner Mark Spurgeon

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