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Ash Green Scout Group

Beavers and Cubs meet emergency services

Beavers and Cubs meet emergency services


Beavers and Cubs from Ash Green Scout Group have really got to know their emergency services this week.

Beavers from Monday night Colony (Little Foresters) along with Monday night Cubs (Forest Pack) got a VIP tour of Ash fire station while Tuesday night Beavers (Little Dambusters) were visited by local PCSO Steve Vincent and a police colleague.

As well as having great fun playing with fire hoses and seeing the inside of a police van (we did let them out eventually, despite the pleas of some parents) they learned about safety and personal awareness.

Said Group Scout Leader Peter Lewis: "We are grateful to both the police and fire service for taking time out of their busy schedule to help Beavers and Cubs with their Community and Fire Safety badges.

"The Beavers and Cubs had a great time as well as learning a lot - and this is what Scouting is all about."



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