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Ash Green Scout Group

Bag pack for the food bank

Bag pack For the Community Cupboard

On 15th April a group of Beavers, Cubs and Explorers helped to raise money for our local food bank, The Community Cupboard. They raised an impressive £271 in just under three hours. 17 young people came out to support shoppers in the Co-op New Ash Green, handing out baskets and helping people pack their shopping.

Members of the community were only too pleased to see our young people who were smartly dressed and polite.

Louise Banks, Chair of Ash Green Scouts committe who organised the event said:
"This was a great event, not only to raise our profile in the village, but also to help the young people understand about food banks and the need to support families less fortunate than them.  Shoppers were delighted to see the young people and commented on how smart their uniform was."

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity 2024

Cubs Christmas Fun at Gravity

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