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Ash Green Scout Group

An equal opportunities Scout Group!

An equal opportunities Scout Group!

Ash Green Scouts have not only achieved the UK Scout Association's target of 20 per cent female membership by 2017 some two years early - they have hammered it as 49% of their membership are girls.

No fewer than 68 of the Group's 140 young people are girls - and five out of the six Section Leaders are women.

The Scout Section - for boys and girls aged 10.5 to 14 - boasts the largest number of girls on 60 per cent while Beavers (aged 6-8) are almost on parity. In Cubs (aged 8-10.5) boys still hold sway on 67%.

And the future is also looking rosy as 20 out of the 42 young people on the Waiting List are also female.

Says Acting Group Scout Leader, Alan Gordon: "Girls have only been full members of The Scout Association for around 10 years and a lot of people still think we're an all male organisation, even going as far as still calling us 'Boy Scouts' - even though we dropped that title in the late 1960's.

"We are delighted to have achieved parity and look forward to the day when these young women - and young men - step up to be the Leaders of the future."

Note: Alan is only 'Acting' Group Scout Leader as the real Group Scout Leader (also female) is having a short sabbatical

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